Cultivating sustainability

As a company focussed on producing world class Madagascar vanilla, we are aware of the issues regarding sustainability in the industry.

At Vannosy, sustainability is very important to us, with our focus on our people, our environment and our community.

Our people

Vannosy’s people are critical in the cultivation of quality vanilla. We are committed to supporting and respecting the rights and safety of our employees and partners. We look after our people by guaranteeing fair treatment and creating a positive working environment.

Our community

The home of Vannosy is our Mananara community. We are dedicated to helping to improve the local farming communities and encouraging social development – empowering local people by providing employment.

Our environment

We aim to reduce our impact on the environment with our traditional and organic practises. We avoid methods that negatively affect the environment, such as chemical fertilisers and deforestation. We strive to support the biodiverse natural ecosystem on our beautiful island.